And finally, Sapporo

It feels like I’ve been holding my breath until now. Checking things off lists and biding my time until this. And now that we’re here, I’m not sure what to do with myself. Not yet.

This happens to me a lot: That strange period after exams when there’s no more studying to do but summer vacation hasn’t really started yet. Or the uncomfortable day after a large work event like Earth Day, when I turn into an overtired toddler, prone to bursting into tears or temper tantrums. Usually this is when I get sick (just ask my parents–they always assume I’ll be out of commission for the first few days of every vacation, so they don’t plan any big outings or activities. They periodically shove food and alcohol under the bedroom door until I’m human again).

Ramen around the corner from our airbnb. the hallway smells like cigarette smoke, and i’m still bitter that she upped the price on me, but it’s fine. Clean enough on the inside, simple. and still in budget.

Ramen alley. Autumn food festival – beef impact! frozen cherries in ice cream. coffee from santa cruz from a guy who spends time in carpinteria.

Just walking around in the “different-ness” of it all.

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