Camino del Norte day eight. Zamudio to Bilbao
Today was short: 15.6k from 8:30 to 2.
High points:
- Free mini bar drinks from our lovely front desk manager at the hotel when we checked out
- unbelievably chocolate mini croissants from the bakery where we bought a baguette (she warned us, “there’s a LOT of chocolate in them”)
- A big hill up, but one we took on our own terms
- A nice smootch during a selfie midway up the hill
- A lovely late breakfast/early lunch overlooking Bilbao
- The wonder and joy of being back in a vibrant city, and a beauty at that
- Two ice creams in cones, while walking along the river
- The athletic store, where we found NEW SHOES, PONCHOS, and a few other goodies
- Iñigo, our hilarious host at the downtown apartments complex : “Mi casa, es… your HOME!!” with a goofy grin and a pat on my back
- Olives and wine and postcards before dinner, and a fair bit of giggling
Mmmmm. Sleepy. Lucky.