The Hermitage at San Juan de Gaztelugatxe
Apartamentos Turísticos Rurales Ureta, Bakio. Our hilarious and very personable hostess, Janire (Yah-NI-ray, Andrew), thought we were crazy to get up at 7am to catch sunrise at the Hermitage. Oh well, shrug… breakfast after, at 9.
We walked in the dark from the car, and probably walked a lot further than we had to, as we missed a more direct path down. The sun came up as we got down the hill toward the island, and it was spectacular. Not altogether unlike sunrise at Mont Saint-Michel only a few days ago, but very different in a number of ways. Devoid of people (passed one photographer at the base, and only saw one other person – a cleaner walking up the steps – on our return until most of the way back.)
Not an easy visit to describe. Stunning. Timeless and profound.
Almost got ourselves washed away by crashing waves on the underside of the bridge over. Lisa taking a pano, me taking a photo of her taking a pano, and the oncoming wave not caring a bean whether we were there or not. Managed to skitter back up to the steps just before another biggie. Maybe not the best idea before striking out on a multi-week hike.
The sun rose as we were at the church on the island. Peach juice from boxes, and some almonds. Wow. Just wow.
For more on this amazing place: http://www.euskoguide.com/places-basque-country/spain/san-juan-de-gaztelugatxe/